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What we do.

With our combined decades of experience we can support you to take the next step to reduce Australia’s emissions and invest in your business.

With you on the journey.

We provide the full range of services to support your business to effectively engage in the Australian carbon market.

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Data, the “backbone” of all that we do.

Rapid changes in policy and the industry require an agile response. MAG turns data into intelligence by constantly updating our assumptions and price forecasts. This puts our clients at the forefront, providing the knowledge and insights they need to make real and impactful business decisions.

Relationships built on trust.

The breadth of our service offerings means we are with you every step of the way on your carbon journey.

Forming a long-term relationship as your trusted advisor, we will get to know your business, be able to offer the right tailored advice for your specific circumstance, and help you achieve your goals.

When others push agendas, we deliver innovative, evidence-based solutions tailored to individual client needs. Not every offset is made equally, and our clients trust us with the big decisions, a task we never take lightly.

We lead with a boots on the ground approach; identifying opportunities, mitigating risk, and creating long term partnerships, guiding you on the journey from education to execution.

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How do we do it?

MAG offers a specifically designed matrix of people with expert skills and capabilities, working together to deliver tailored solutions through education, advice, knowledge, due diligence and project services.

We bring a new approach to the market with our unique fee for service structure, designed to give you the flexibility and focus that’s right for you.

Rather than trying to fit you to a mould, we make the mould around you, so you only pay for the services that you need, maximising your investment in the areas that matter.

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Making the complex, simple
  • Connect with us
  • Discuss your requirements
  • Tailor made solutions
  • Subject Matter Expert led execution

Ready to be empowered? Contact Us.

We want to understand your ‘Why?’. To help us connect you with the right person in our team, please provide us with a few sentences about the challenges you are facing.